
At Project Sanford, we believe in the power of community and the impact we can make together. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters and partners, we've been able to contribute to the growth and vibrancy of Sanford in meaningful ways. This page highlights the milestones and achievements we've reached as a team, a testament to what we can accomplish when we come together for the greater good. We're proud to share these successes with you, as they reflect our collective commitment to making Sanford a better place for all.

Contributions "Project Sanford" has made include:
Victory Track Club - for children - a team dedicated to teaching you how to love running, jumping and throwing.
Shoestring Theater - new Curtains
G3 Church - Community Outreach - Food Pantry, Domestic Violence Victim, co-partners with giving 54 children in Sanford Gardens - a bed to sleep on, which includes sheets, blankets, and pillows
Firefighters on a Mission - fight against Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Hearts Hands and Hope - provide food support and other basic needs to disadvantaged children and families
JOSH - "Just Our Soldiers Helpers" provide care packages for service personnel overseas
Picnic Project - Feeding people in need
Africa Inland Mission - Christian mission reaching Africa's unreached
Pets Rescue by Judy
The Capehart Foundation - Suicide Prevention
Hispanic Outreach - with Sanford Police Department
Love Your Shorts - New Movie Screen
Pearlie Mae Ford Foundation - Scholarships
Bicikleta Bike Shop - Ride to Freedom - celebrate Florida's Emancipation Day
SAO Entertainment - Juneteenth
9U All Stars - little league team with new equipment and uniforms
Sanford Cultural Guild - Garden Tour
Small Business Start Up - Preston Produce, Community Brewhouse and BaoBaoHao Coffee Shop